The site received planning in 2010 for a new residential quarter of up to 2261 homes. Due to the complexities of the industrial gas works, this large regeneration site was planned to be built in phases. Aequus, the Council’s wholly owned development company, have submitted an Outline planning proposal on behalf of the Council.
As this will be an Outline Planning Application, only the maximum building outline heights, access strategy, site layout and landscaping will be fixed. The details of the appearance will be developed with further engagement and consultation and determined through full reserved matters planning application next year.

Ambitions and Aims:
- Create a comprehensive scheme that achieves a sociable, active, and inclusive community, with a focus upon green spaces and biodiversity.
- Active residential frontages and streetscape which prioritises people, rather than cars.
- Maximise active travel infrastructure, contributing to the extension of the NCN 4 route.
- Builds upon the completed homes and community on Bath Western Riverside Phase I to create an integrated community that reinforces community cohesion and diversity
- A proposed mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed market and affordable homes with a community facility, parking and bike stores
- A Net Zero scheme with exceptional development and building performance providing sustainable homes.